take it easy

three shopping carts and twelve mph (in flipflops)

it seems most of my posts are about interactions with strangers at supermarkets -- here's another!

during my last trip, few carts were lined up adjacent to the entry point. one had to walk a good ways into the alcove to get a cart; being already there, i rolled a cart over to the next person approaching. i did the same for the next one, and then a third.

"does it roll well?"

i gave it a try. "ah, no -- here," i said, already at the next one in line, "this one's great!"

i wish i could remember what they looked like; all i recall is how much fun it was to help. every time i get to share a few moments of my day to make someone else's even just a little easier, i get all giddy about being social.

my dog and i were out walking during a brilliant peach sunset last night. i crossed paths with two unknown neighbors--

"in flip flops?"



i stopped to watch a man race towards one of those solar-powered speed display signs.

"twelve!" she turned to me, nodding approvingly. "pret--ty fast!"

i laughed. "that's so many miles per hour!"

and then we were all on our way :)

it's encounters with strangers that make me feel most alive. we're all here, experiencing this world at the same time. we may have such different backgrounds and circumstances when it comes to the finer details of Existing, but the greater context of our being extends to all of humanity. is that trite? well, i mean it! i really do. all you fellow earthlings make my life glimmer.