take it easy

started making zines

and i was so excited about them that i did all the folding and the tearing and folding so i could have the little books all ready for me to write and draw in. i've already got two drafted and eight others with titles on the cover but only after coming back to my work desk did i realize:

  1. i was folding the paper in a way that used both sides of a sheet instead of just one, which would make printing them a bit more of a hassle

  2. since i have intention to print and distribute them... i should fold the paper, draw + write on each section, THEN scan the sheet. then i can have a clean scan without the shadows of tears. heck, it might even be wisest to not even fold the paper, instead just eyeball or mark every box, if only to spare the scanner from any shadows from the creases

ha!! learning is so fun. now i have eight pre-torn and folded booklets. i'll find a use for them -- maybe they can be gifts for my parents' birthdays this month. my old boss has her birthday in a couple weeks too and i doubt she's expecting a card from me, so that'll be a great use of the paper. :-)